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Chapter Philanthropy

The Kappa girls of Zeta Nu are passionate advocates of community service. It is one of the most important aspects of our chapter and Greek Life at UCSD. This year, Kappa Kappa Gamma Zeta Nu Chapter donated over $15,000, which was raised through our annual philanthropy event, Kappa Karnival. Not only do we take the opportunity to contribute to our chapters philanthropies, but also to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, Reading is Fundamental, and many other philanthropic events in the Greek and local community. We even partnered with a local elementary school and are able to spend each week hanging out and tutoring the children that attend. Additionally, we have an event called "Reading Is Key" where we visit schools and make crafts, play and read to the students. Not only is it so much fun, but it also means a lot not only to us, but all the children we are able to spend time with. Although charity may just seem like a bunch of hours and dollars, we hold it in a different light. We cherish the time we get to spend giving back while also having fun with our sisters. We see it as an opportunity to be more than just an average sorority.


Every Spring Kappa holds our annual philanthropy event; Kappa Karnival. Kappa Karnival is Kappa's inventive and exciting event where we raise money and awareness for youth education with the proceeds benefiting our local philanthropy, San Diego Youth Services, and our national philanthropy, Reading Is Fundamental. Kappa Karnival is a day filled with old-fashioned karnival fun. Game booths, face paintings, eating contests and team competitions are just a few elements available that day. On top of the fun, the most electrifying aspect will be seeing the kids of San Diego Youth Services enjoying the karnival's excitement alongside the college students, alumni and public who support them. The relationship Kappa has with this youth center makes our annual philanthropy events a genuine passion rather than a hollow fundraiser. This valuable opportunity to build relationships with local youths makes Kappa both proud and passionate about Kappa Karnival and the Zeta Nu efforts as a chapter.


The monetary proceeds of our event will go directly to San Diego Youth Services, which is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of homeless, runaway, abused, and at-risk youth in the San Diego area. In order to accomplish their mission, San Diego Youth Services offers emergency services, safe places to live and long-term solutions for kids “on their own” by providing shelters, group homes, foster homes, community centers and transitional housing. There are 14 major locations in San Diego County where the children can get profession help. Kappa Karnival raises funds for the organization as well as provides the children with a fun-filled day. We are extremely passionate about raising funds for such a great organization and hope that our efforts will allow San Diego Youth Services to afford even better care for the children.