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New Member Program

The whirlwind of going through Recruitment, being extended a bid and then joining Kappa for life can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Kappa gives our new sisters a warm welcome by extending friendship and mutual support through our new member program.

The new member period is a time to learn about the Fraternity and educate women on the expectations and requirements of being a Kappa. Each new member is given a Big Sister to guide her through this new stage of her life. New members also attend a retreat to foster and develop the new friendships and connections within the chapter.

The Zeta Nu chapter specifically has a Sapphire program where new members get to spend one on one time with initiated Kappas to learn more about and to fall more in love with Kappa and it's values. As a way to foster bonds throughout the pledge class itself, we host a New Member Sleepover where the girls are able to strengthen their friendships on a deeper level.